
Snowmobile Ride to Mount Sylvester

I had a nice ride to Mount Sylvester on Sunday. The Band Council’s Economic Development Department sponsered a ride into the mountain and back. They also had a planned stop at one of the Band’s Hunting Lodges where we all enjoyed soup, sandwiches and Hot Dogs.

It was a nice ride on a great day. Unfortunately Siobhan couldn’t go with me (due in 5 weeks) but I did get my pal Cory to join in the ride.

We spent about 7 hours on the trails and travelled about 120 kilometers. My Polaris Trail Touring DLX 550 fan burned 23 liters of gas for the whole trip.

Pictures can be found here.


New ultrasound picture and more

We had a visit to St. Alban’s for the final ultrasound today. Looks like the baby is in the head down position and all systems are ready to go. Just five short weeks left before the due date and I’m starting to get a little antsy!

I’ve finally gotten back into the gallery update thing again! If you click the ultrasound picture above it will bring you into our baby’s gallery!

I have also added pictures of our snowmobile trip last weekend. They are available here.



Baby Furniture and a new Belly shot!

We finally picked up the Baby’s furniture yesterday after receiving a call from the trucking company that they had a big shipment for us from IKEA. We brought it home and I started working on it right away.


No more pics of the furniture until it is all assembled and the nursery is complete!




The Belly – Feb. 21, 2006

It’s growing like crazy!

A little over 7 weeks to go! We’re getting quite excited now.

I’ve been asked for this a few times now so here’s a link to the Baby registry we set up at Toys r Us.



Cory is starting Brayden off a little Early

A picture is worth a thousand words…


Have fun Brayden!

Of course, I can play too!


My Birthday and our Baby

My 29th birthday came and passed the other day. Siobhan gave me a wonderful gift and she made me a fantastic cake.


We also had a visit to our Nurse Practitioner and I managed to record a little video clip of our baby’s heartbeat.

Gotta run now. Suppertime!



St. John’s, Max and the Baby

I was in St. John’s last week to do a wireless course. I had to leave Siobhan home all by herself.


I had the evenings all to myself so I did what any other self-respecting father to be would do and went baby shopping. Looks like I wasn’t the only one with that idea.

Crazy People. I was nice and warm in my CR-V with Max sitting by my side.

To make a long story short. I came to the sudden realization that this whole baby thing was real. I left St. John’s with barely enough room to fit a book in the CR-V.

Oh my, what have I gotten myself into!?  :)

One nice thing I learned about baby stuff is that the manufacturers don’t want to be held liable if you fool something up while assembling it so almost everything for babies is already assembled.

Now for the long journey home. I thought I would share a few pics of Max, our Super Mutt with you.

He discovered his food dish on the floor.

Max discovered his food dish on the floor. He was too lazy to get off his butt to eat though!

Pee break

We stopped at the pull over spot by Dunphy’s Pond in Terra Nova National Park. This is Max’s bathroom spot of choice. He’s always nosy and goes sniffing in the bush before he decides to do his dirt so you don’t have to worry about stepping in any of his do-do. He was actually quite energetic here for once!


I guess that little run was too much for Max. He decided to have a little rest.

We are home now. Siobhan’s belly is still growing (The pic above was taken about a half hour ago) and Max is upstairs sleeping.

Later all! Hope you enjoyed the update!!!



Wireless Course

I am in St. John’s right now. I have just finished a 2-day course titled “Designing and Deploying Wireless WANs” with Jack Unger as the Instructor. If you are at all interested in wireless technology I would have to recommend this 100%. It covers many technical aspects that I thought I had some idea about but have since learned that I really had no idea. I have already put some some knowledge into effect by connecting two Linksys WRT54G wireless routers to one another to extend a network with the help of Steve Drew. My next step is to extend that link to 1 kilometer. Beyond this I have learned a great deal of knowledge regarding what’s required in the setup of a wireless ISP and the science behind the scenes.

Highly recommended!



Crappy Winter This Year

So far this year we have had quite a pittiful winter. The picture below was taken this past Sunday, January 8th, 2006. Last year on January 9th me and Siobhan were out on the ice cutting holes to check the thickness.


Since this picture was taken we have had a nice snowfall and a day or two with a white landscape only to be followed by a couple days with Rain and Fog and temperatures hitting +10 degrees Celsius.

Only time will tell what we have in store, but I’m not getting my hopes up on putting more miles on my snowmobile then the 400 I put on her last year. 🙁


On the other hand, Siobhan’s belly is growing more and more each and every day!




Happy New Year

Well, the big guy came and left again. Lots of new toys left behind here. Me and Siobhan woke up at four am and couldn’t get back to sleep anymore so at five we finally got up and started ripping open our gifts. Max had a little fun with his as well. I can’t imagine what it’ll be like next year with a little one crawling around!

We had a wonderful white Christmas with lots of snow to plow and shovel. You wouldn’t say it now though. Just two days ago my family was at our house and my nephews and nieces (and me) were out sliding on the hill behind the house. Since late that night the snow we had has become non-existant. We went from having four nights during Christmas where the temperature got below -10 and even went so low as -14.3 Celsius. Yesterday it was back up to 10 degrees.

Tonight is another celebration so we just want to wish everyone a wonderful Happy New Year.

Later now, time to start celebrating.

Rene and Siobhan