
Life as a Dad is wonderful

I’m tired and I seem to have picked up some sort of cold or cough, but I am happier then I have ever been.

The little guy wakes for his feedings pretty much every three hours. Siobhan is doing a wonderful job and he seems to be filling out a little already.

Nicholas is a quiet baby. When he wakes up he will usually wimper a little. Sometimes we have to change him first, but most times it is straight to the milk! He is usually quiet when he is awake, and he keeps himself occupied by looking all over the place and having us play with him. When he does cry we know that there probably is going to be something flying out of one end or the other. πŸ™‚

I really can’t remember life without him now, he’s here, and it’s as if he’s always been here. I truly look forward to having him with us forever!

There’s more pics in the gallery for your enjoyment.



We’re Home

Nicholas is home safe and sound. We’re pretty lazy and he is having some difficulties with gas and staying latched onto Siobhan. Not much time to spend posting here right now, hopefully there will be a few more pics to post tomorrow.

Thanks again everybody for all the support!



More Nicholas!

I think it’s safe to say he’s going to be one spoiled little boy!


I’d like to thank everyone for the wonderful comments, they brought a tear to our eyes! Thanks for all the visitors. Some people we haven’t seen in years and others that we see day to day. The phone calls are also wonderful! Thanks for the great presents and flowers everyone, every outfit will be worn at least once, and more if he doesn’t grow too fast. We’d especially like to thank Nicholas’ Aunt Phoebe. I think we would have managed to survive without her help (though I’m not positive), but thanks to everything she did, we more then survived. She was there for every step of the birth, held Siobhan’s hand when it needed to be held (and her legs!), and provided a shoulder once or twice for my head to rest on, among countless other little things that ended up helping us make this experience everything it could possibly be!

Nicholas has been a great addition to our family and I hope everyone gets to meet him soon. I have put many more pictures and even a little video I put together in his album.

Nicholas has a few more people to meet, but he wanted to let Nanny Jeddore and Aunt Dana know that he can’t wait until they get home. He’ll be a little bigger, but he’ll try to hold off on growing too much until then!

I hope you all enjoy the pictures and video. Sorry for the lateness in putting these pics online but two other people need my attention more these days – Nicholas and His wonderful Mommy, Siobhan.

Thanks again for the comments, hopefully we’ll all be home tomorrow so feel free to give us a phone call.



Introducing Nicholas!

He finally arrived…


He put up quite a fight but Nicholas Jeddore was born at 6:45am today, April 24th, 2006.

After having contractions for well over 12 hours the doctor pulled out the suction machine and Nicholoas appeared after about 30 minutes of pushing. Siobhan showed me what a woman is really made of and I believe that any man would have given up long before the real pain began. All I can really say is “WOW!”

The little guy seems to take after his mom. Hopefully he will grow up to be as strong as she has proven herself to be.

More to follow later. I had to leave the hospital to post this for all to see. Thanks again Brian for the laptop, and thanks to The Mount Peyton Hotel for the wireless internet access to enable me to do this.



-8 and today we have bloody show!


Bloody show, sounds kinda gross if you aren’t in the loop about pregnancy. It’s basically blood that spills before labour begins. I am loading up the CR-V in a few minutes and then we will be calling the ambulance if anything starts to progress. πŸ™‚


P.S. Siobhan wanted me to post right up until we left the house. πŸ™‚


-7 (and a little bit about Max)


Still nothing. Siobhan had a lot of discomfort yesterday evening and I started to get excited, but now she’s back to her same ol’ pregnant self again.

We had snow on the ground this morning. Now it’s raining. We’ve had a few nice days so far this spring, but for the most part it’s been either wet, cold or wet and cold. πŸ™

Somebody also asked about Max, our little dog we used to have. I never put any explanation with the picture on this site, mainly because I was so heartbroken at the time that I didn’t want to spend much time thinking about it. The reason Max is no longer with us is due to liver troubles. Back in February I took him to the vet to get his teeth cleaned. Before they put him to sleep for the cleaning they have to check his blood to make sure his system is up to the task of removing the drugs from his system. He had some abnormal reading show up so the vet recommended not doing the job then and putting him on some medication for 6 weeks to see if that would clear things up. Almost 5 weeks into this we started noticing some changes in Max and we decided that we wouldn’t clean his teeth as they were in good shape due to regular vet visits and we would rather have him be comfortable instead of dealing with the medicine. At 5 weeks after beginning the medication he walked out of the bedroom and let loose on the carpet. Something he has never done before. Two hours later he did the same but not so much. He also stopped eating at this point. That night I was up with him every hour or two and he would go outside to do his job but usually nothing would come out and if it did it was all soft.

The following day (Saturday) he had learned to control himself pretty good and started getting back to his old routine of 8am, 12 noon, 5pm and 10pm. He still wouldn’t eat though. We tried treats, soft food and the only thing he would really attempt to eat was his usual food, watered down to make it soft.

Siobhan made an appointment for him to see the vet on Tuesday afternoon. I was prepared to say goodbye to him but Siobhan didn’t know what I was making a fuss about. I set up a little bed for him on side of me and fell asleep with my hand on his side. The next afternoon when I picked him up to bring him to the vet I took his blanket and his favourite toy. I jokingly said goodbye to his funnel we had to put on him at times to keep him from licking his butt.

We got to the vet and brought him in for testing. He had blood work done and an x-ray. This took a couple hours so we went for a drive. It was at this time that I asked Siobhan if she was prepared and that the whole thing finally hit her.

When we got back to the vet Max was in the back barking. The lady at the vet brought him out to us and I was so tempted to just leave with him right then. We soon got to speak to the vet and she told us the results of his blood work. There are two types of enzymes that caught their attention. The first was the one that the drugs were supposed to bring down and that one was down a little, but still high. The other one never showed up the last time and this time was off the chart. Then the x-ray results came back. His liver should have been totally contained in his ribcage, but it was about twice the size it should have been and was pushing on his stomach and his intestines causing him to be unable to eat and making him feel like he had to do his dirt all the time.

It was at this point that I knew the inevitable was coming. The vet told us that we could bring him home, but that it would be for our own benefit and he would suffer for his last while with us. We made the decision and signed the papers. Siobhan got his ball and blanket and when we laid it on the table next to him he looked confused and pawed at his ball, ready to play. We hugged him and kissed him goodbye.

This was probably the hardest thing we have ever had to go through together. We were afraid it would cause Siobhan to go into early labour. We did good together though and three days later we went back and picked up his ashes. They felt so bad for us that they (the vet clinic) gave us a bouquet when we picked him up. We brought most of his stuff, two of his beds, and all his food to the SPCA. We now have him in the box from the vet lying in his main bed, waiting for Dana to come home to say her goodbyes to him.

I know that people were wondering if we did it because the baby is coming. Not a chance. We even had one of his beds under the baby’s crib ready for him to nap when the baby naps. Max was like a child to us and we miss him so much.

Rene and Siobhan.




Still nothing. She seems to be leaking a bit, but no big water breakage yet. I took some video of the baby pushing against my hand with its feet this morning… it might be the last chance I get so I don’t want to miss capturing it.

Phoebe and Jordan came home last night with their new little boy. The poor thing had both collar bones broken during delivery and now they have to be very gentle with him. No snuggling and he can’t be picked up as much as they would like to be able to. πŸ™






Siobhan seems to be showing signs that she is going to pop soon. No water breakage yet, but soon hopefully. We will be heading to Grand Falls next Wednesday for induction if we don’t have a baby by then.

It all seems a little surreal right now… we were expecting the baby to be at home by now. It almost feels like the baby is never going to come out. πŸ™‚





Four days overdue.

I’m back to work and everybody wants to know where our baby is.

Phoebe and Jordan had a little boy yesterday. 10 pounds! Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes even had their child… we are waiting patiently.






Three days overdue and still no baby.

Back to work tomorrow I guess… with no baby to speak of… yet.

