
DropCash – New Camera fund

Hey all!

I’m trying to raise some funds to buy a new digital camera to be able to provide much higher quality pictures then I have had in the past. My choice of cameras are either the Canon Digital Rebel or the Canon PowerShot Pro1.

I stumbled across this interesting new idea the other day and thought I would give it a try. It’s called DropCash and it will let you see the progress of my fundraising. All you have to do it click here.

Check it out! Seems pretty neat… even if I don’t get any donations. 🙂


Undersea Earthquake off the South of Newfoundland

This should catch everyones eye now that we are all Tsumani aware.

Interesting story of a 4.7 underwater earthquake on Tuesday. It was located south off of the Island of Newfoundland. (410 kilometers SW of Louisburg, NS which would put it about 370 kms south of the Burin Peninsula, Newfoundland and Labrador).

More information here.

Makes me glad that I live high on a hill.


*&^%$## SnowBear Plow! Part II

Well, I took out the manual crank and dropped the blade. The strap was off the spool and wrapped around the shaft. Now that I look at it I can see how easy it is for this to happen.

I then tried the winch again and it worked fine… more or less. Unfortunately the winch is now slower then cold molasses. I called Canadian Tire to see what they could do for me and they told me to bring the winch into them for repairs. How long would it take?? About two weeks! Do they realize it’s snowing here almost daily now??!!?! Not to mention that I would have to take a day off of work to bring the unit to Grand Falls-Windsor.

I also just got off the phone with SnowBear and they are getting a technician to call me back within 24 Hours. Let’s see how long this takes.

Maybe I jinxed myself by praising up the plow in the first place. 🙁


*&^%$## SnowBear Plow!

Not happy.

We got in the truck this morning (about -6 C outside) and the plow wouldn’t move. Luckily I had it left in the up position so we didn’t have to fool with taking it off. Not a sound from the winch and I noticed a bad smell from my truck afterwards (alternator burnt now with my luck). I got out and sized her up some more and I also noticed that the strap is twisted off to one side of the winch. Great. I have the manual crank for the winch home so I will try that when I get home for dinner.

Not happy at all. 🙁



Honda has a new truck coming out in March. I like everything about this machine except for the bed length. 6.5 feet with the tailgate down. No room there for my snowmobile. 🙁

This truck has some great features, 5000 pound towing capacity, 255 HP, in bed trunk! Loads of interior room (at least that’s what I read and how the pictures look). I can’t wait to check one out.

You can find a bunch of information on the Honda Ridgeline at


Happy New Year!

Sure, I’m a little behind. But HAPPY NEW YEAR anyways! I been enjoying myself over the holidays and have returned to work earlier this week.

We had a great Christmas with many good laughs, fun times and some great toys from the big man in red.

Our truck had a small problem that ended up costing more then I would have thought. Apparently the window cables that control the up and down action on the GMC power windows has a common problem. The cable frays and jams the window. Some people are lucky and have this happen with their window up. Mine was stuck half open and I ended up driving around for a week and a half with a garbage bag and loads of masking tape keeping the snow and salt out of the cab. The part isn’t cheap either. Nobody sells the cable so you have to buy the entire power window setup. I’d guess this to be a $500 repair at the dealer. Fortunately my pal Rodger helped me out and got me a better price then this.

We also had a couple of rides on our new snowmobile (pics in the gallery). Not nearly through the break-in procedure but that’ll happen soon enough.

Gone now, hopefully I’ll be updating a little more in the next little while.


New pictures at the Gallery

This is just a quick note to let you all know that I’ve uploaded some new pictures to the Gallery. I also added a section for special events like Christmas and Halloween.

There are also a bunch of new pictures of Brayden for those of you that are too far away to see him on a regular basis.

I have also added some more pictures under the automobiles section.




Lots going on these days with work and all. I been busy like crazy. I figured out why I couldn’t link to other urls easily using this site. I have switched to FireFox and it doesn’t seem to like my blogging software as much as IE. Oh well. At least now I know why it stopped working for me.

I got lots of new pics to upload and I will a.s.a.p. I have all kinds of Halloween pics, some snow pics and some Brayden pictures to upload for the grandparents and other friends.

I also received a pic of a toothbrush from someone who checks out this site from time to time. He modified his by adding a 12 volt AC adapter so he can plug it into the wall. Nuts! My 9 volt has turned out to be a failure. It sucks 9 volt batteries dry in about a minute.

Anyways, gonna run now, but on a final note… ONE MONTH ‘TIL CHRISTMAS!!!



The Screen Savers is changing again!


It looks like G4TechTV has changed things again. If you haven’t seen the show The Screen Savers then this won’t make any difference to you. However if you were a fan then this is bad news. It looks like only Kevin and Sarah are left on screen. See more at:


Ramea and a Wedding

Just got back from a long Thanksgiving weekend spent at Ramea. We headed out late last week to go to the wedding of Dellas and Chip Carmichael. It was a great weekend and everyone had a blast.

There are loads of pics in the gallery of the wedding and lots of pics of Ramea showing off the windmills and various views around town. I’d link directly to them but for some reason the button for me to do so is missing and I’m about to fall asleep at the keyboard so you’ll have to go and dig through the gallery yourselves.
