

It seems our little man is finally starting to explore the world. He started hopping around on his butt a few months ago but never really went too far. He has always hated being on his belly so crawling was out of the question. One day a couple of weeks ago he started cruising around the furniture and I think he realized that he could move. From there he really learned how to hop on his butt!

Here’s a little video of Nicholas going to the bathroom for his bath last night .



Nine Months old!

Our little man is nine months old today. It’s amazing how fast time flies! In the past week he’s finally gotten over his dislike for being on his belly. We can put him on the floor on his belly for extended periods of time now and he will play and slide all around the living room!

He’s got quite the personality, and almost every evening around 7:30 or so he starts getting silly. He laughs, giggles, talks gibberish and makes us do the same. He usually finishes his last bottle around 8 and then he goes to bed where he plays with a crib toy that Mark and Annette Hallett gave him for Christrmas. Sometimes he falls right asleep and other times we can hear him playing with the rattle on the toy for a half hour or more. He usually sleeps until 7 the next morning, but sometimes he wakes at 6:30 and there’s been a few 9:00 mornings.

Right now his cousin Brayden has some kind of stomach flu and is throwing up a bit so we are trying to prevent Nicholas from picking it up. It’s hard to do when they like putting some many things in their mouths.

I have uploaded a bunch of December pictures of Nicholas as well. They are in the Gallery!

Here’s a picture of Nicholas today as well as a video of him squirming around on the floor!



Introducing Carla!

My sister Naomi had her third child early this morning!



A couple more pictures can be found in the Gallery!



The Night Before Christmas!

This is it. The big day is coming for our little man! Here’s a pic and a couple of videos from just before he went to bed for the nights. He seems a bit excited about the visit from the big guy tonight!

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Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Rene, Siobhan and Nicholas!


Santa came to town!

Nicholas had his first visit with Santa the other day at our Sanata Claus Parade. Despite being long overdue for his nap, Nicholas was quite happy to see ol’ Saint Nicholas! He got a little goodie bag with Apple Juice, Baby Cereal and, of course, a bag of Cheesies!


Thanks for the treats Santa! We can’t wait for you to visit next week!


Nicholas got a package in the mail

Nicholas got his first gift for Christmas in the mail today! Thanks Leah and Carter, he’s pretty curious about what he’s supposed to do with this package. ๐Ÿ™‚



Da dy

After months of rambling on with ma ma ma ma da da da da I think we finally have an official first word from Nicholas.

Last night he was in his Mom’s arms playing with her hair and face and saying the usual ma ma ma ma ma ma da da da da da d ma ma ma ma na na na na na. I sat right on side of his Mom and asked him to say Daddy. He looked at me and said Da dy. ๐Ÿ™‚ It gave his Mommy cold shivers and almost made tears come from my eyes.



We have Teeth!

Nicholas has started showing his pearly whites! His first tooth popped through late last week, and his second one followed this past Tuesday. He’s been playing with them with his tongue and I have even seen him playing with them with his fingers.

The little guy is growing up right in front of us. It truly is amazing how fast he starts doing stuff once he does it the first time. He’s turning off lights for us now, playing with all kinds of toys and really gets entranced by Kids CBC, especially Lunar Jim. On Sunday morning me and Siobhan watched “Just Friends” from start to finish with Nicholas sitting on the floor playing with his toys and talking to us. His evenings are still a little tough as we have so much to do after we get off of work and he usually starts getting tired around 7pm. We try to get him into the bath at that time, give him a little play time in the water and then feed him some cereal and a bottle of milk before he hits the sack. When he does get to bed we don’t usually hear anything out of him until around 7 to 8 the next morning. Even then he just wakes up and plays with his feet until we get him and we are always greeted with a big smile.

Siobhan went back to work on the 6th of November and her mother is babysitting both Nicholas and his cousin Brayden. Things are going great, Brayden really seems to love his little cousin and plays well with Nicholas.

I also have some Halloween pictures up in the Gallery. check them out here.


This is a good one for all the parents out there


Someone emailed me this and I thought I’d share it with whoever reads my blog. I don’t know who put this together, but someone has a great mind to think of all this!


P.S. Click the picture!


Another Nicholas Video

You never know what will come out of your child’s mouth!
