A lot of firsts have been happening at the Jeddore-Keeping household lately. Nicholas has been done with the bottle for a couple weeks now. He finished his last can of formula the other day, he had his first birthday and he has finally taken his first step.
We stopped the bottle about a week and a half ago. We cut it out all together and kept giving him his formula using various cups. Ones with silicone straws and others with a wide flat silicone top. He’s also had it in simple basic plastic “sippy” cups. He fussed a bit the first few times, but he easily accepted it once he realized he would get the same end result.
We stocked up on formula a few months ago. I bought six cases figuring we might need one more before his first birthday. Not so. He went down to three bottles a day and therefore stretched his formula supply to last until the day after his birthday. Now he’s on homogenized fresh milk.
He also had his first birthday this past Sunday. We invited all of his cousins and his buddies from burps class. It was a nice little party. He got lots of toys and played nicely with his friends. He was quite excited to see the special gift we bought for him to enjoy with us… so much so that he almost freaked out trying to get out with only his diaper on. I dressed him up and took him for a ride right away. He loves it! I just wish it would warm up a little so we could play some more.

He also took his first step tonight… finally! He’s been standing for a while now, but would always plop down after a few seconds to a maximum of probably 30 seconds. Tonight I tried to get him to dance while standing and he looked at me sitting in front of him and stepped towards me. I jumped up and did my own little dance. It’s quite exciting and scary at the same time. I love to see him learn new things, but it means he is growing up.
The little guy is also building up a vocabulary. He says about 10 or so words, his favorites are Dad and… bike. If you bring him to our patio door and he sees our dirt bikes he gets all excited and starts saying bike bike bike. I bring him into his room and he looks for one of the bikes I have on his dresser and says bike. When we change him and he starts to get fussy we give him a mini Honda CBR600 that we keep in his changing table to to calm him down. If he sees my pocket bike in the basement he wants to have his way with it. I put him on it the other day and he leaned forward to press the yellow kill switch. He then decided to grab the throttle with his other hand and he started twisting his wrist. Freaked me out a little. I have a short video clip of him on the pocket bike that I’ll post soon.
All in all it’s a very exciting time here. We love the little guy and wouldn’t be able to explain the way he makes us feel to non-parents. It is truly amazing what someone so little can do for a persons outlook on everything!