
One hour with Linux (and why it won’t be mainstream any time soon)

I finally got the time to install Linux on my home PC last night. I choose Ubuntu Linux (Linux for Human Beings) 5.10. The install was relatively painless. I had to do the disk partitioning on my own to setup a dual boot system so that was a little more advanced but if someone wanted […]

I finally got the time to install Linux on my home PC last night. I choose Ubuntu Linux (Linux for Human Beings) 5.10. The install was relatively painless. I had to do the disk partitioning on my own to setup a dual boot system so that was a little more advanced but if someone wanted to set it up on a empty hard drive they shouldn’t have any issues.

This morning I got up and decided to have a little play with Ubuntu to see how easy it was to use. The first thing I notice is that Firefox (web browser) was an older version. I wanted to update it. When using Windows, I simply went to, clicked on the download link, ran it and the update was a simple matter of clicking next a few times.

Not so with Linux. The download was easy enough. I saved the file to my desktop. Now what?

First of all, what’s a .tar.gz file and what do I do with this “Archive Manager” program now that’s I’ve double clicked on the Firefox file? The file had a .tar.gz extension that I recognized as a compressed archive, much like .zip files in Windows. I have used Linux many times before, and I have a SmoothWall Linux based firewall at work that I configured and have made many modifications to, so I realized that this update of FireFox might require some console action. Here’s where the problems would start for almost everybody who is a Windows user.

I then visited the site, found the forums, and did a search for “update firefox”. When I found the information I was looking for my jaw almost hit the floor.

Here are the links I found:
This one is flawed from the beginning. Picture a Linux Newbie reading this page. The first thing they are told to do is “sudo apt-get install libstdc++5”. OK, what the heck does that mean? Do I type is somewhere? This page then goes on with many things you are supposed to ype, but makes no mention anywhere that you are supposed to type this stuff in. Even if someone realized they were supposed to type it, where do they type it?
This one is a lot better. It actually explains what to do, which program to run in Linux and it explains what each command does. It is still quite scary looking to Linux newbies, and unfortunately for me, I didn’t find it until after I went through the step by step method in the first link above. Fortunately I didn’t need to worry about all the steps as I didn’t have any settings that I needed moved over to the new Firefox. Unfortunately, many newbies probably wouldn’t realize this by looking at the instructions.

There is also another method that I discovered that might be easy for newbies, I haven’t had time to try it out yet, but it sounds promising. Automatix can be found at The instructions for installing Automatix are on this page as well and it seems to be very easy.

So to all those that preach the Linux gospel, please realize that this OS needs to be more user friendly! It shouldn’t be this hard to install applications.


edit: I tried to install Automatix following the instructions. Right away I got a permission denied error message. I had to add a sudo before the first command so that it now read: “sudo wget”

edit 2: Automatix is the answer! With two lines entered in the terminal I had a program installed that gave me a simple way to install new software (that was supported by Automatix). The two lines were:
sudo wget
sudo dpkg -i automatix_5.7-3_i386.deb
Be sure to check out the thread on Automatix linked above!

edit3: I think this comment that was left sums up what my title states pretty good:

alkdjakjdakmlkamdkja ,k, dlajsojkjkm. ljlajLK..,m lkjalkjsoijlj.m, .k lkjlkjojklkm.jl jk alkdjoadjalkj ajlkJOIJIHJ LKJJfaAfjlakso.

“That’s all I got out of your last post”

Posted by Danny at April 4, 2006 02:13 PM

6 replies on “One hour with Linux (and why it won’t be mainstream any time soon)”

The real problem is not actually Linux itself. Its the way both sides (beginner and experienced users) approach it.

For beginners, you just can’t dive in head first. Because you don’t know how deep it is! You can drown in the sea of information OR smack your poor head in the shallow water of impatient experienced users.

You must keep an open mind, and remember Linux is NOT Windows. They are two very different people! Trying to force Linux into another Windows is like putting a square peg into a round hole…Its not gonna work, and you WILL be fustrated.

I’ve only had 1 yr of Linux experience, and I know what it feels like.

Its like: “Its on there…Now what?”
That’s the problem => Where the heck do I go?

Traditionally, Linux has been for those who do engineering, computer science, etc. The hardcore techie folks. They love it because you can anything you want with it. (say if you want to build a full blown server, you don’t need to spend $$$$$$ on Windows 2003 Server. You just use the same Linux distribution for your various needs. Obviously, you need to make changes and strip all the stuff that’s not needed).

When they write most guides, they assume the person who’s reading it already has some idea of the basics. (Know how to use the Command Line, etc).

The traditional thinking is: You’re expected to become self-sufficient by taking the journey yourself. If you’re lost, ask a question. The idea is to become less reliant on paid solutions. (But this means more effort is required for the user).

Of course, there will always be these hardcore folks, as they’re the ones that drive Linux.

Anyway, for the beginner, I suggest you try the following sites:

The Linux Document Project

In their GUIDES section, there is a nice guide titled: “Introduction to Linux – A Hands on Guide”
and “Bash Guide for Beginners”. These two are nice guides to read and get a fair idea of what’s going on.

Of course, Linux’s greatest power is the command line (Or Terminal mode). So one has to get used to this.

Here is an AWESOME site

Its in plan english, so it (hopefully) wouldn’t be too hard.

I’m currently experimenting with writing some beginner type guides. (They’re pretty “Draft status” at the moment, as I’m trying to make it easy, as well as trying to consider experienced user’s opinions on the optimal way to do things.)

“For the new: How do I give Linux a go?”

“Installing Nvidia drivers for SUSE 9.3 and 10.0”

The key for the beginner is Preparation, Patience, and Persistance. What I call the “3P’s of Linux”. 🙂

This is the most important aspect when jumping off one operating system to another. Beginners should note down all the applications they use, then search and ask around if there are Linux versions OR “open-source” equivalents that run on Linux. They should also look and write down all the hardware they have. (This is important because Linux cannot support every bit of hardware known to man. Some reasons involve manufacturers not cooperating with us and giving us some details that is needed to build drivers).

Getting comfortable with the command line and how to install, and remove applications should be here as well.

Using Windows has molded many people into certain behaviours. (some of which are pretty bad!). One of them is impatience. People want results with very little effort put in. Sadly, Linux, like life, doesn’t work that way. To really reap the rewards, one has to put in the work. The old adage of “No pain, no gain” really applies to Linux here. But always remember, you don’t have to conquer the world of Linux knowledge, you just need the information that gets you going.

The hardest part to Linux is actually getting started! It like climbing a huge hill, once you get over and past it, you realise “That ain’t so bad”. (I personally think its because we have to shake off that lazy behaviour we had developed in Windows). Its exactly like watching TV for too long! (It gets hard to get up and exercise!)

The key here, is don’t ever give up. If you run into problems or don’t like the way something is, find out how to change it! If you run into a problem, look at the symptons, check the logs. When you do something right, Linux doesn’t say anything…When you do something wrong, Linux will smack you on the back of the head and say: “What you typed in ain’t right!”

But you gotta live through and understand why its complaining. Keep an open mind as to why something isn’t working…Always keep looking. ( is your best friend).

Sometimes, you may find you’re the first person doing this sort of thing. The best thing to do is post the steps up in a public forum. Let experience users criticise and give opinions on it. Because they may come up with a different approach that could make life easier. (So you should make changes where necessary).

The best way to start Linux is to form a group of Linux beginners. The idea is to share your experience and knowledge with others. Its better this way, because you know you aren’t alone. (As there is always a Linux beginner everyday.)

Finally, once you’re on Linux, you’ll see that you’ll learn something new everyday. You just don’t stop learning. (And I think this is why people who are on it, get excited about it)…There’s always something new to be explored. Most often, you only need to learn enough to get you by. No one is a Linux master/guru, as it is impossible to master every single aspect of Linux.

To put things in another perspective, its kinda like this:

* Windows is like that baby walker or that over-caring parent that spoon feeds their kids until their like 50yrs. After a while, it gets boring. The kids aren’t learning anything, and will be forever dependent on someone to do everything for them! Which means they’re opened to being abused. (In this case, Microsoft just takes money).

* Linux is like teaching the kids potty training, to brush their teeth, to tie their own shoes, to ride a bike, etc…To become self-sufficient and independent. Yes, it is hardwork, but it gives them the freedom to choose.

…And this is the key. Choice.

I must also say that the biggest problem is the Windows-fixation of people switching. I cannot judge how hard the switch is (for normal people right now) as I made first contact with linux in 2002 and was a geek before already.
As stmok already said, becoming more self-sufficient is the core of it all. On windows, when I has a problem, well, I asked my dad. Or, if I had a good idea where to find help (such as when programming) I looked there. On linux, I learned to use google extensively.
Interestingly enough, now that I have gotton into Linux, when I use Windows, I find frustrations similiar to what Linux n00bs probably feel.
Let’s take software installation. As a debian user, the first thing I do is check the vast apt package database when I’m looking for a piece of software. If that doesn’t work, well, I get dirty and compile source or alien an rpm.
On windows, the common behavior is to find the software, download a file, figure out if it’s a zip or not and do a few double-clicks, follow a wizard. Being used to linux, the first part often proves difficult. There is a mind-boggling lack of gratis software for windows. Last time I checked, programs to convert WAVE files to/fro MP3 under Windows started at about $15. That’s about the price to send a small package across the Atlantic.
Then we come to installing. The wizard style is, or might seam (?) very intuitive, but it is, to me, unnecesarily complex. Installing Thunderbird under Ubuntu is a quick, simple, unified process in Synaptic.
Most “problems” are just differences. For instance, when I wanted to install Java on linux for the first time (may have been my first extra software install), I downloaded the binary from Sun (much like you with your firefox), and then asked on USENET (luckily I knew about that) how to execute a .bin file. from the answers I learned that to execute something I did “chmod 755 whatever.bin” and the “./whatever.bin”, and that file extentions don’t really matter in Linux. The key to move to Linux is simply to be willing to learn. Not just throw away what you don’t know. With time, you get into other habits.

Ubuntu is a good distro for beginners. Its easy to install, extensive help topics and most things are automated.

I recommend that before anybody switches to Linux is to read. Go to Google, check out what distros are hot and thoes that are not. Look at user comments, reviews and check for how much support the distro has (forums, contact forms, bug trackers etc).

When you find one you like, read the manual on how to install and get your system up and running.

Then as freezombie said, Google, it is your friend :), Google-ing “HOWTO use APT-GET” will help you a lot, as an example.

Work you way up, easy automated distros to get the feeling of linux, then go hardcore for more extensive “fun” and expandability and configuration.


as soon as you log into ubuntu and have an internet connection it Auto updates all its packages.

2.5. How do I keep Ubuntu updated?

When packages on your Ubuntu system need updating, Ubuntu will inform you with a popup from your notification area. When you see this popup, click Show Updates, Ubuntu will ask your for your password, enter it then click OK. In the Ubuntu Update Manager click Install, the system will fetch and install any updates that are needed. When it has finished, click Close, then close Ubuntu Update Manager.

How to Access Terminal
and BasicCommands
its simple
step by step
cut and paste

In Ubuntu 5.04 (Hoary Hedgehog): Applications menu – System Tools

In Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger): Applications menu – Accessories – Terminal

upgrade from terminal
also has
Installing Firefox as a debian package
Installing Firefox quick and dirty

alkdjakjdakmlkamdkja ,k, dlajsojkjkm. ljlajLK..,m lkjalkjsoijlj.m, .k lkjlkjojklkm.jl jk alkdjoadjalkj ajlkJOIJIHJ LKJJfaAfjlakso.

“That’s all I got out of your last post”

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